For Schools
We always aim to offer a professional and friendly service and will work with individual settings to provide a tailored approach to suit each school, We recognise that schools vary in size and level of speech, language, and communication need, as well as having a range of support systems already in place. We have strong links with NHS colleagues within Gloucestershire and will work in harmony with existing NHS provisions.
We have a passion and strong commitment to helping all children reach their speech, language, and communication potential. We wholly believe in supporting schools to create communication-friendly environments and empowering them to deliver their own speech and language interventions.
What can we offer:
We are able to provide bespoke services to Primary, Secondary, and Independent schools. Our goal is to work flexibly to meet the diverse needs of children with SLCN in order to improve their daily interactions and access to the curriculum, whilst also being sensitive and balancing the requirements of each school in terms of funding and resources.
We are able to provide bespoke packages of support to meet the needs of individual schools - please get in touch to discuss how we can support and work with your school.
Our therapists are able to work with children with a variety of SLCN, including difficulties with:
· Speech sounds and speech clarity
· Severe speech disorders such as Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia (DVD)/ Apraxia of Speech.
· Understanding of spoken language
· Expressive language - including sentence structure, vocabulary, and use of grammar
· Verbal reasoning skills
· Severe language difficulties such as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
· Social skills, communication, and interaction needs including Autism
· Attention and/or listening skills
· Auditory Processing Difficulties
· Selective Mutism
· Stammering/ Dysfluency
· Language in association with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health needs (SEMH)
· Phonological Awareness/ Literacy